Friday, March 26, 2010

Earth Hour 2010-Quarterback Tom Brady Announcement


  1. I found your blog at Cozy Little House - and joined as a follower. Love your ideas for repurposing, and I do that myself quite a bit!
    Of course I would like to enter your contest, and for the Earth Hour Event, Mr. Wonderful and I will be having a quiet dinner alone, candles lit, our hand-crank radio playing soft romantic music from a classical radio station as we share some home made dessert wine we received as a gift from my brother in law! Can hardly wait! We celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary on the 22nd, and it's been a wonderful romance all week long!

  2. Classy, Sounds like a wonderful plan. Love that you found my blog. I have entered you in the contest. Good luck and have fun!

  3. Great blog...found you on Friday Follow and now following!!! I know I will be doing a lot of your great ideas!!!

  4. Mom, Thank you so much for becoming a follower. Glad to have you. Be sure to post questions, if you have them. I am here to help.


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