Thursday, April 1, 2010

Easter Egg Shortage-Ut Oh

It's about 6:30 am here in Charlotte, and today is the first official day of the ICA Show.  Yesterday was a setup day for most vendors.  Lee Ann and I came down a day early and most of the work was done, so we spent most of yesterday greeting some of the early buyers that showed up. 

I wish I had more Easter eggs.  I had no idea they would be such a hot item.  I am nearly sold out, and the show has not officially opened to the general public yet.  It was a little bit of a egg feeding frenzy yesterday.
Lee Ann and I talked over dinner last night and decided that next year I will need to make several hundred of these little guys. 

We are "eggspecting" a huge crowd today, so I better sign off and get going.  I will post more later tonight and promise some fun  pictures.



  1. I love your eggs and can see why they are selling so fast...!!! hope your day of selling is a great one..:)

  2. So EGG-CITING! I think Chicken Frenzy has hit - not only eggs are selling, but anything "chicken"! I sold 2 chicken pins from my etsy shop last week - so I better get busy and make more of them!


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