Saturday, March 27, 2010

Tonight Is Earth Hour-Be Sure To Enter The Giveaway!

Some of you may have missed my post about my  Earth Hour Giveaway Contest. It is a great excuse to serve your dinner by candlelight tonight, or do something special for yourself.  Fun stuff!  Earth Hour 2010 is tonight at 8:30, so you need to enter soon.

Click on this post link for contest details.  Entering is really, really easy.

Good luck in the contest and have a great time tonight.


  1. I am a follower of cosy little house... she is very talented and so sweet too... thanks for posting about her...

  2. Donna, You are very welcome. It was my pleasure. I would also like to do a post about you and Lu , at some point. It would probably have to be after I get back from the Chalotte ICA antique show, in about a week or so. Let me know if that's ok. My plan is to do a post a week, featuring 2 or 3 of the wonderful people who have become followers of The Greentiques Solution.


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