Thursday, March 25, 2010

Record Traffic Day At The Greentiques Solution-Only One Problem-Uh Oh

Wow! A record day yesterday at The Greentiques Solution.  I am sooo thankful of the hundreds of people who stopped by to visit my humble little blog.  Thank you all very, very, much for the incredible turnout.

Ut oh.

Houston, we have a problem.

Apparently my follower button came up missing.  I don't know where it went.  But somewhere in the fray, it fell off the page and I can't find it anywhere.

Perhaps that explains why with so many visitors, we only had a couple of new people push the follow button.  You know, being that there was no button to push, and all.

My apologies to those who tried to follow, but couldn't.  I am working on a fix to the issue. 

Meanwhile, for those of you who would still like to follow, I have a solution for you.  Just go to the very, very, top left of the main page and click on the word "follow".  That's all there is to it.  Most people I think, don't even know it is there.  But, it works just like one of those fancy smancy follow buttons.  Give it a try!

Once again, I apologize for any inconvenience.  Hopefully I can find some sort of industrial adhesive to keep the darn thing on there, once I find it again.



  1. Hey, Rory! Looks like you got out the liquid nails and fixed it 'cause it's there now!
    Once again that 's a fine lookin table you got there in your header - nice work!
    Take care!

  2. Thank ya Tracey! I just carved a new one out of wood and attached it with dovetail joints and glue. I think it will hold up nicely. Glad you stopped by.

  3. Hi Rory,
    love the staining tips.. you and my hubby would get along sooo well!!!... the pot planter comp idea sounds great.. hmmm gotta think of a prize!
    LOVE your work
    tak care
    Vic xxx


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