Thursday, March 18, 2010

My Latest Flea Market Find-Gotta Love It!

I thought you all might enjoy this old wooden storefront sign I found at a flea market yesterday.  I was thrilled to get it. It measures about 3 ft tall x 3ft wide and is carved on both sides.  I am hoping to take it with us to the next antique show, either Charlotte or Atlanta.  I thought it might be a great accessory for a baby room.  What do you all think?


  1. OH I love it..and as a matter of fact my little sister is being induced tomorrow with their 3rd little boy..great find.:)

  2. Congratulations on the arrival of your new nephew. Thanks for the comment. Rory

  3. Very cool sign. I'll bet that sells fast! Just found your blog and have signed up to follow. I like your philosophy. I too hate to buy new when I can make something much better from old.
    It's a crying shame what people will throw away!

  4. That sign is a real beauty! I can see that being a very popular item! Also, your turned eggs are wonderful! Thanks for visiting my blog and adding my link to your sidebar.

  5. Hi Rose,
    Thank you so much for becoming a follower of The Greentiques Solution. It is still less than a month old, so it is still evolving. Be sure to ask questions and leave comments when you visit. I am here to help you.

  6. Pastimes, Yeah, I thought the sign was alot of fun. I think the Atlanta crowd will get a big kick out of it. Glad you liked the eggs too. I might just try painting a few of them today. Looks like it is going to be pretty nice out.

  7. Oh how cute is that... there is a company in the states that rents these for when the mothers come home from hospital with the baby's name and birthdate on it... it is put on the front lawn... could be your next little side business.

    Loving that chalkboard behind it too... have a great day Rory and enjoy this beautiful weather... we are having spring like temps here too... next week they are talking that white stuff again... yuck.

    Hugs, Deb

  8. Deb, Thanks for the nice comment. Funny you should mention the chalkboard. One of my next projects is going to be making cahlkboards out of repurposed victorian picture frames. Should be fun. Rory

  9. Very nice, Rory! Can't wait to hear what you do with it. I second Deb's comment about the chalkboard, and am loving the idea of you repurposing Victorian picture frames into chalkboards. Can't wait to see what they'll look like. I'm enjoying your blog very much.
    Have a fabulous weekend,

  10. Thank you Tracey, I am sooo glad that people are enjoying my blog. I am not sure what I will do with the old sign, I may just leave it like it is. Lee Ann recently accused me of always having to redo everything! So maybe I will leave this one alone and sell it "as is". Hmmm... I wonder if I could carve one of these myself? Maybe a nice distressed, gold leafed, swedish crown on a seafoam green background? Whoops! Here I go again!

  11. I think it's gorgeous,as is! I think it would be lovely anywhere, but I can really picture it in an obstetrician's or a pediatrician's waiting room:)New moms eat this stuff up(or at least I did,LoL)!!!

  12. Yes, it appears I am going to leave this alone and sell it as is. That is, at least for now. Thank you HH for your nice comment.


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