Saturday, February 27, 2010

Introducing Cindy Caraway - Artful Living On The Bluff

I wanted pass along to everyone a terrific blog I found written by Cindy Caraway called Artful Living On The Bluff. Cindy's specialty is making custom handcrafted jewelry from vintage beads and treasures she has found. She sells her work on Etsy. Beautiful stuff! I love hearing about people like Cindy who are upcycling and and doing their part to help save the earth. Cindy's motto......Live Simply - Make Stuff - Play Music - Save the Planet. Go Cindy! Here is her link.

Please visit her.

1 comment:

  1. Yay! A pop-up comment window :)
    Thanks, Rory, for featuring me and my jewelry here on your blog. Your blog is great and I love everything it stands for!


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